ILSC Brisbane: Community Calendar Redesign

The Client

With more than 300,000 life-changing educational experiences created, ILSC Education Group is present in Australia, Canada, the USA and India. 

Once a student at ILSC Brisbane, I would often read the Community Calendar, a monthly guide with cultural activities to integrate with other students and discover the city. When the school discovered my work, I was invited to redesign the publication.

The Challenge

The main challenge was to reduce the production time frame, so the Calendar would be ready in time for printing every 4th week.

ILSC Brisbane also had long issues with other designers’ unreliability and miscommunication, so it was imperative to reassure the client with a simplified process and clear communication.


Pages per edition

Faster Delivery

Cover for 2019’s Session 1. The strong contrast in the cover highlights the students enjoying their off-school activities, which is the main focus of the Community Calendar.

The 4-week calendar was entirely redesigned with Adobe InDesign, using customised Paragraph Styles to create coloured labels. This helps students to easily identify events such as learning support (orange), guided tours (light blue) or academic orientation (dark blue). With a simplified layout setup, the whole calendar production became increasingly faster.

The new Calendar is completely made using Adobe Creative Suite (InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator), and each edition is available for all the students at the Activities Lounge, and also sent on the email newsletter and social media.